Article Announcement

Dear Scientists and Tourism Community;

Our International Journal of Tourism and Destination Studies (IJOTADS), which started its publication life in June 2022, is a peer-reviewed and scientific e-journal that continues to be published in other international indexes. Our magazine is devoted to all conceptual and application-based studies on tourism-related business, guidance, recreation, gastronomy, special interest, sustainability, alternative tourism and other current tourism topics, as well as destination management, marketing, analysis, etc. It is open to all studies and research on the subject headings. IJOTADS will be published online and free of charge as two issues in September and March throughout the year, in Turkish and English, within the scope of the principles of double-blind refereeing and scientific publication ethics. We look forward to your support with your articles prepared within the framework of TR INDEX index principles and present our respects.


On behalf of the IJOTADS Editorial Board

Dr. Aydın ÜNAL – Sinop University